1. I am a wife, sister, daughter, aunt
2. I am a newlywed – 4months
3. my husband really is the best but I wont get into it because this is about me.
4. I want to have 4 kids
5. I don’t want a mini van -- EVER
6. I love my job all the time
7. I like my job most of the time
8. My boss is the most generous person I know
9. I have to drive 45 minutes to and from work
10. I hate driving, mostly just at night
11. I work at a group home with teenage boys.
13. I have my Social Work Diploma as of this year.
14. I teach Sunday school with Eric for grades 4-6.
15. They are a handful and then some.
16. I love it anyways
17. I am in a small group that I absolutely love.
18. I always wear sweats and a tshirt around my house
19. I dont get dressed unless I have too
20. Some days I don't even leave my apartment...
21. I am a conspiracy theorist at heart (thanks Dad)
22. I think the world is ending, and Jesus will return in my lifetime.
23. I love my apartment
24. Now I want a house,
25. new couches,
26. and a new car.
27. I’m not getting any of them in the near future.
28. I’m addicted to blogging
29. Eric hates it
30. We made a deal, no computer on Sundays…
31. hate messy
32. I actually like cleaning…even bathrooms!
33. People that know me think I’m weird
34. I am addicted to shows like CSI and Law & Order
35. I HATE mice and am TOTALLY freaked of them.
36. I don’t like cold, but would take it over hot.
37. Being really hot makes me Grouchy
38. I am very susceptible to the temperature around me
39. If it’s cold, I am cold. If it’s hot, I am hot.
40. It is FREEZING cold at the group home.
41. I have decided that when I am working there will be an eternal fire in the fireplace.
42. I love fireplaces, real ones.
43. I don’t have one and miss it.
44. I love the idea of baths
45. When I get in I get hot really fast
46. I add cold water, then more hot, etc.
47. I don’t usually stay in more then 20 mins
48. Most of my friends aren’t married.
49. I think I need to find some that are
50. Don’t be offended single friends, I still want you
51. My car is really dirty and messy
52. I have a cup of coffee every morning
53. I like it black
54. I used to work as a cashier
55. Everytime I go to the grocery store I miss it.
56. Fall is my favourite season
57. it’s not hot and it’s not cold, it’s just right
58. You can wear sweaters again
59. I love it when it snows
60. I love to go snowboarding
61. although I always get cold
62. This year I think I’m going to do some skiing
63. I’m clumsy
64. People think it’s funny when I spill things
65 .because I ALWAYS spill things
66. I loved my wedding
67. my wedding flowers died the night before my wedding
68. my aunt and step-mum saved the day
69. the bouquets were even better then they would have been.
70. my wedding pictures are SO good.
71. I need to feel appreciated
72. my love language is Words of Affirmation
73. I hated grade 12.
74. I loved school up until then.
75. I find myself getting more and more like my sister Amy
76. It scares me
77. I LOVE to play games
78. I love to read
79. I like to drink water with a lemon in it.
80. I wish I was more disciplined
81. to run my life less by my feelings.
82. I would love to go shopping and spend a lot of money on new clothes
83. that’s not going to happen
84. I love to go out to eat
85. I like to cook
86. I like to bake
87. I think I am pretty good at both
88. I hate painting
89. I don’t have enough patience for it
90. I would love to have my house painted
91. Any volunteers?
92. I can be selfish
93. croquettes are my favourite food EVER
94. My oma taught me how to make them
95. I really enjoy spending time with my Oma & Opa
96. Eric makes me laugh harder then anyone else
97. I like the way I look
98. I’m organized
99. I used to bite my nails, now I just nibble a little at them. I am doing way better, I really am. I also pick at the sides. I wish I could break this habit!
100. I don’t have cable, just a couple channels with bad recpetion. It’s a good thing because I think I could easily become a TV bug.