What kind of dish washer are you?

What type of dish washer are you. Are you the type that cook suppper, clean the dishes and then, and only then are able to enjoy supper. Or are you the type that is content to cook supper (or bake) enjoy, and deal with the dishes later? Also, are you a dish dryer, or do you prefer to let them just air dry?
I like to cook the supper, do as much clean up as possible, so the counters aren't so messy, then eat and leave the remainder of the cleanup to the offspring. Air drying is fine, if there's just a few dishes. If there's a lot, it's nicer to clear the counters. My pet peeve is having dirty dishes all over the counter before bed! I HATE that! I love the humming of the dishwasher when I'm in bed.
I hate dirty dishes on the counter, too but I hate, HATE the sound of the dishwasher. I usually set it to go on when I'm out of the house.
Speaking of dishwashers...how about that dishwasher smell? Or that dishwasher residue left behind on glasses? So annoying!
I am a do-the-dishes-later kind of person. I want to relax after I eat. I usually try to clean as I cook but then I leave the rest until later in the night or the next day.
I would have to say my ds Aneta took the words right out of my mouth except for her last sentence. My dishwasher is so loud that it is incredibly annoying at night as well as having the longest cycle! I'm sure it goes around and around just to irritate the heck out of me! I have heard Aneta's dishwasher and I must admit it does have a calming sound to it.
We've always cleaned up the dishes after eating...so I guess that's my style. I guess when I move out we'll find out what my true colors are.
Wedding Pics that would be nice to see.
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