Welcome to Sgt. Pepper

My first post is dedicated to the newest member of my family, Sgt. Pepper. She was a surprise from Eric yesterday when I came home from work I have to tell you, I was VERY suprised. Eric has been telling me from the beginning of our marriage that our house is going to be an animal free zone. It's not that he doesn't like them, it's that he thinks they are too much work. He also claimed that since he chose her, he would get to pick her name. We think it's a girl, but we are not sure....
Welcome to the blogging world, KT! I'll be adding you to my favorites right away. And the kitten is adorable. What's a home without a pet? As our wall hanging says: A house is not a home without a cat! Our neighbours across the street have 13 kittens (and 3 mamas) right now! These are strays she's opened her home to. My heart melted when I saw them, but dh thinks one cat is enough for us. (we shall see...) Anyways, WELCOME!
Kate, welcome to the blogging world but you need to set your commentst so that people can leave them anonymously.
Thanks for that Amy. Now I can jump in the conversations! Welcome Kate. One day maybe I'll start it up again. It might be lame though!
Hey, when are we going to see new Sgt. Pepper baby photos? How about a family photo? LOL
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