Next year, I am doing the "weekend to end breast cancer" in Vancouver. It's a 60km walk over 2 days. (yikes, i better start training!). You have to raise 1000 dollars to enter. A lady from my work did it in edmonton and loved it. I am so excited. Anybody with me??
I'd consider it...I can walk. $1000 - you'd better start fundraising.
Katie i have upmost faith in you and your walking abilities, as a memeber of your team i welcome you aboard. Although we are still looking for that great name for our team that will keep us motivated throughout the whole 60km, two day, from 7 in the morning till 4 in the afternoon ordeal....im sure we'll think of one soon! See you at the fundraising meeting!
I'll seriously consider it too. I love walking. I'm going in the Okanagan Half Walk Marathon (21km) in October - I went last year and loved it. $1000 seems like a lot to raise but definately do-able.
I just checked out the website for the 2006 Vancouver walk and it says you have to raise $2000. Is it less for next year? Maybe it's the wrong site I'm looking at but it sounds the same. Do you have a web address for the one you're talking about?
Sorry, that was a typo, it's 2000.
I'm in for $100
We are in for $30 - just give me a three week warning when you need the $ so I can mail it off. Kudos to you for your determination!
Go for it, Katie! It'll be a wonderful experience, I'm sure.
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