
I was listening to a talk radio program yesterday and the guest did a study about narcissism in today's youth. She surveyed college students all over the country with the Narcissism Personality Disorder Test. She found that, compared with the 80's and 90's generations, we have increased occurences of NPD.
People who have a narcissistic personality style rather than narcissistic personality disorder are generally psychologically healthy, but may at times be arrogant, proud, shrewd, confident, self-centered and determined to be at the top. They do not, however, have an unrealistic image of their skills and worth and are not dependent on praise to sustain a healthy self-esteem.
-Overreacts to criticism, becoming angry or humiliated
-Uses others to reach goals
-Exaggerates own importance
-Entertains unrealistic fantasies about achievements, power, beauty, intelligence or romance
-Has unreasonable expectations of favorable treatment
-Seeks constant attention and positive reinforcement from others
-Is easily jealous
-Has a sense of entitlement
-Is interpersonally exploitative
-Lacks empathy
-Displays arrogant, haughty behaviours
-Uses others to reach goals
-Exaggerates own importance
-Entertains unrealistic fantasies about achievements, power, beauty, intelligence or romance
-Has unreasonable expectations of favorable treatment
-Seeks constant attention and positive reinforcement from others
-Is easily jealous
-Has a sense of entitlement
-Is interpersonally exploitative
-Lacks empathy
-Displays arrogant, haughty behaviours
The lady also said that one of the characteristics is an initial response of violence... could this explain some of the craziness of our youth today?
I think lack of Empathy is a BIG one, I am so suprised at how high school students treat each other and others, they don't seem to care how they are affecting or how others are affected by their words and actions, it's absolutely sickening! What was the program called?
interesting post. Sounds like something we would talk about at school
sorry kate but i agree with anonymous up there...haha
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