Poor Eric

Eric works making cabinets for those who didn't know. A couple of days ago at work he was using a machine that drills holes into wood. He accidently drilled into his finger, instead of the wood. He drilled to the end of his nail. Here is the aftermath. These are pictures taken by erics phone, so the quality isn't great.
Ewwwww!! That is my worse fear! To really hurt myself with big wood machinery. When I took shop class in grade 9, I hurt myself on the sander, and then I would flinch everytime I was near a big machine. And when I watch "this old house" I always flinch when the man does anything with major machinery! I hope your okay Eric!
Ummmm...you should warn people before you stick a picture like that up -- I almost puked. YUCK!
yeah really!!! EW!!!
Poor Eric - that must have hurt! Good think he didn't drill right through his finger!
I cringe just looking and imagining the pain!
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