I have one too chels... it must just be one of those days!!
I have a pretty long drive to work, and when the roads are bad, it usually doubles my trip. Now, last night it was so windy, that I could not see anything but white. I prayed the entire time that God would guide my vehicle and keep it on the road, as I could not see where I was going. At one point, I had a brief moment of being able to see the road, and I noticed I was driving in the wrong lane, yes the one of oncoming traffic. Driving out in the country is SO much different then driving in the city. If anyone was driving in the city last night and thought the roads were bad.. you have no idea! Anyways, onto my pet peeve. I experience this alot, but when the roads are bad it is particularly frusterating.
People who Tailgate!
This usually occurs when someone in a big truck or SUV thinks they are invinsible, although, I have experienced cars doing such an act as well. Whenever the roads are bad, the majority of vehicles I see in the ditch are SUV's and Trucks... Hmmm...
I have refrained for quite some time on posting about this, as I experience this quite regularly, but last night was the last straw.
Tailgaters SUCK. S. U. C. K. Suck.
Especially when you're driving a little Honda Civic Hatchback with a baby in the back.
ya tailgators can kiss my ass...
I'm with you on that. I don't get angry often but that is one thing that makes my blood boil. Sometimes I actually feel like putting on my bakes and taking the consequences just to prove a point. Of course that would be dumb but it has crossed my mind.
Driving on the wrong side of the road? THAT is scary! Glad you were protected! As for tailgaters, I think they are the absolute rudest people around. They think they own the road, and are just plain BULLIES!! What do you do with bullies? I guess ignore them, and stay as far away as possible. Same goes for tailers. Big attitude, small brain. Well, now you know how I feel about them, too.
I also hate tailgaters, ESPECIALLY ones who tailgate becasue they think that YOU are going too slow, even though you are going the speed limit. I also slam on the brakes hard just to piss them off. Its like GO AROUND, cant you see that other wide open lane???? COME ON!
hey katers...this has nothing to do with the post...i just wanted to tell you my blog address so maybe you could add it to your list...
it's a shared blog, but it's still my blog too!
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