Happy Birthday to my Dear Husband

Sgt Pepper decided he was going to give Eric a nice awakening on his Birthday. Lately, he has really been obsessed with knocking over glasses of water, Sgt Pepper that is, not eric. It's really annoying and he is such a weiner about it. You can hear it tap, tap, tap, SPLASH! This morning, at 5am, he knocked the glass all over sleeping Eric. Needless to say Eric was not pleased.... I woke up to eric yelling something I will not repeat... Lately, Eric and Sgt Pepper have not been getting along well, because Sarg has decided that he enjoys bugging eric and being disruptive at night. This does not go over well with Eric. I fear soon, Sarg will be locked out of our room at night.
Anyways, Happy Birthday Eric!
I love you!
Happy Birthday Eric! And just remember, if you lock the cat out of your room, he'll probably scratch your door incessantly -- enough to drive you crazy and let him back in! Cats!!
Happy Birthday Eric! Cats are annoying....
Eric and Nicoles birthdays are only a day apart?? Wierd!
Happy Birthday Air!
Happy Birfday Uncle Eric (from Harrison!)
Happy Birthday!
Sarg is just expressing his affection in an original way.
I always lock Beebs out of my room at night and she doesn't scratch at the door anymore. It was infuriating when she did, though.
i have to say that picture of eric and his bloody nose almost made me piss my pants...
happy birthday Eric!
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